How to Run a Book Giveaway on Goodreads

4 minutes, 46 seconds Read

Running a book giveaway on Goodreads is a powerful way to increase your book’s visibility, attract new readers, and build buzz around your work. With its vast community of book enthusiasts, Goodreads offers an excellent platform for promoting your book through giveaways. This guide will walk you through the steps to effectively run a Goodreads book giveaway, including tips for maximizing your success.

1. Setting Up Your Goodreads Book Giveaway

Create or Claim Your Author Profile

Before you can run a giveaway, you need to have a Goodreads author profile. If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to claim your author page or create a new profile. Go to Goodreads Author Program and follow the instructions to set up your profile. Having a complete and engaging author profile will help you connect with readers and promote your giveaway effectively.

Prepare Your Book for the Giveaway

Ensure your book’s details are accurately listed on Goodreads. If your book is not yet available on the platform, you’ll need to add it. This includes uploading a high-quality cover image, writing a compelling book description, and filling in all relevant details. A well-prepared book listing will make your giveaway more attractive and professional.

2. Creating the Giveaway

Set Up the Giveaway on Goodreads

To set up a giveaway, go to the Goodreads Giveaways page and click on “Create a Giveaway.” You’ll need to provide details such as the book’s title, author name, edition, and the number of copies you’re giving away. Decide whether you want to offer physical copies or eBooks. If you choose physical copies, be prepared for shipping logistics and associated costs.

Choose the Giveaway Duration

Decide how long you want your giveaway to run. Most Goodreads giveaways last between one to two weeks. Choose a duration that gives you enough time to promote the giveaway but isn’t so long that it loses momentum. A shorter, well-promoted giveaway can often generate more excitement and entries.

Define Eligibility Requirements

Specify who can enter your giveaway. You can set geographic restrictions to limit entries to specific countries or regions if shipping physical copies is a concern. Additionally, you can require participants to follow you on Goodreads or add your book to their “to-read” list as a condition for entry. This helps increase engagement and visibility.

3. Promoting Your Goodreads Giveaway

Leverage Social Media

Promote your Goodreads giveaway across your social media channels to reach a wider audience. Create engaging posts that highlight the benefits of your book and include a link to the giveaway page. Use relevant hashtags and tag your posts to attract more attention. Encourage your followers to share the giveaway with their networks.

Engage with Goodreads Communities

Participate in Goodreads groups and forums related to your book’s genre or theme. Share information about your giveaway in these communities, making sure to follow the group’s rules and guidelines. Engaging with readers in relevant groups can help you connect with potential entrants who are genuinely interested in your book.

Email Marketing

If you have an email list, use it to announce your giveaway. Craft an enticing email that highlights the benefits of your book and provides a direct link to the Goodreads giveaway page. Personalized emails to your subscribers can significantly boost entries and generate more interest in your book.

4. Managing the Giveaway

Monitor Entries and Engagement

Keep an eye on the number of entries and engage with participants through the Goodreads platform. Respond to comments and messages related to the giveaway, and express your appreciation for their interest. Engaging with readers can create a positive impression and encourage more people to participate.

Handle the Logistics

If you’re giving away physical copies of your book, manage the logistics of shipping carefully. Ensure you have a system in place to collect winners’ addresses and send out the books promptly. For eBook giveaways, make sure you can deliver the digital copies efficiently and in a format that is easily accessible to winners.

5. Post-Giveaway Follow-Up

Announce the Winners

Once the giveaway ends, Goodreads will randomly select winners and notify them via email. Announce the winners on your social media channels and thank all participants for entering. Sharing the winners’ names and expressing gratitude can enhance your credibility and encourage future engagement.

Encourage Reviews

After winners receive their copies, encourage them to leave reviews on Goodreads and other platforms. Positive reviews can significantly impact your book’s visibility and attract more readers. Consider sending a polite follow-up email to winners, thanking them for their participation and gently reminding them to leave a review if they enjoyed the book.

6. Evaluating the Success of Your Giveaway

Analyze the Results

Review the results of your Goodreads book giveaway to understand what worked and what could be improved. Analyze metrics such as the number of entries, the increase in followers, and any changes in book ratings or reviews. This evaluation will help you refine your approach for future giveaways.

Learn from Feedback

Pay attention to any feedback you receive from participants. Positive or negative, feedback can provide valuable insights into how you can enhance your future giveaways. Use this information to make informed adjustments and improve your overall book marketing strategy.


Running a book giveaway on Goodreads is an effective way to promote your book, engage with readers, and generate buzz. By setting up your giveaway properly, promoting it effectively, and managing the process thoughtfully, you can maximize its impact and reach a broader audience. Don’t forget to follow up with participants and evaluate the results to continuously improve your book marketing efforts. With these strategies, you can harness the power of Goodreads to boost your book’s visibility and connect with enthusiastic readers.

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