key to proving roi

IT Reports: The Key to Proving ROI and Managing Your MSP

4 minutes, 58 seconds Read

MSPs perform a lot of work that clients are unaware of, such as data backups, patch installations, and vulnerability identification. IT reports are crucial and key to proving ROI since they keep track of every client work and show the return on investment (ROI) of an MSP partnership.
They also assist MSPs in assessing the scalability, technology, and internal procedures of their operations. We’ll discuss the many kinds of IT reports in this piece, along with what you may learn from them.

What are IT reports?

An IT report includes KPIs and other information, such as closed tickets or average response times, that assist MSPs in assessing their performance and identifying areas for improvement. It also provides clients with an overview of the work they have completed.

Concerning KPIs
Internally, you might be able to identify the KPIs you wish to monitor with ease, but clients can have different priorities. For instance, some clients could be more concerned in the security threats you identified, while others might want to see how many tickets you resolved in each month. Establish KPIs with each client so that reports may be tailored to their needs.


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What are some use cases?

IT reports assist MSP leaders in assessing the state of their business in addition to proving return on investment for their clients. These reports’ contents can assist in leadership decision-making.

When to Hire: If the team is having trouble keeping up with open positions, it may be time to hire more staff members.

When to upsell: If certain customers are consistently exceeding the hours specified in their SLA, there may be a chance to gently prod them into a higher-value agreement.

When to upgrade technology: By gaining insight into how staff members are using their time, leadership may decide whether to invest in new technology or tools to enhance productivity.


Types of IT reports

The types of reports you can generate vary according on the software you use to monitor your MSP work, but these are the ones that are most frequently available:


Ticket reports

You may get a lot of important information from IT ticket reports. Sorting options include date range, ticket status, resolution time, and the ability to view comments linked to each ticket.

RMM reports

MSPs can monitor the condition of assets such as printers, laptops, operating systems, and software with the use of professional RMM tools reports. Additionally, you can create reports for clients that include suggested replacement schedules for assets.
Your MSP software can allow you to schedule internal alerts when crucial systems or assemblies are about to expire, perform a report on viruses blocked every week, and classify issues by device type.


Employее and communication reports

Employee reports comprised time clock entries and sales data, as well as critical access logs, employee and technician ticker status and hours.
Communication reports display conversations that take place outside of text chats, such as SMS, email, caller ID logs, and “snail mail.” This is a useful feature if you must locate a request for approval or change that happened outside of your tracking procedure.

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Payment and sales reports

If the account management features in your MSP software allow you to generate reports that display customer payments, credit balances, and open balances. Additionally, you can view prepaid times, equipment purchases, and “pending” ticket charges.
Additionally, you could be able to see the specifics such like charges for one-time customer requests that fall beyond the purview of the SLA and the technicians who handled those requests.


Purchasing considerations: What to look for

After learning the reasons behind the usefulness of IT reports, let’s examine the selection process for IT reporting software.


Report building templates

The process of reporting shouldn’t be burdensome. Seek software that offers a straightforward report builder with customizable fields and the ability to save your reports as templates. Certain software enhances efficiency even more by enabling you to automate routine reports and distribute them to staff members or clients.


Knowledge base

Self-service assistance can assist you in finding solutions fast. When time is of the essence, a knowledge base that provides step-by-step instructions for generating gene reports can be quite helpful.

IT ticketing

Running IT ticket reports is simple if your ticketing system is integrated into the platform. Using an integrated MSP ticking system, you may capture data in real time and quickly populate reports.

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Automated billing

The best IT reporting tools have automated intervention features that use billable hours to ensure you never overcharge or undercharge clients. This eliminates the need for human accounting.



Even in cases where your IT reporting software includes tick management, you may still wish to use other external tools. If this is the case, search for integrations with your preferred tool so you may carry out all of your work from a single interface.


Remote access

RDP is preferred when troubleshooting or updating a client endpoint with only one click. This functionality is included in some IT reporting software, and you can monitor your time when working on remote activities.


Real time queue management

A real-time view of your queue while in an office setting provides you with every detail regarding the jobs that need to be done, their urgency, and the individuals who are working on them.


Data backups

Data should be regularly backed up by your MSP software to an offsite location. Better still if you can export data as CSV files and have a second backup. In the event of a fire, flood, or other calamity, having your backup data will enable you to promptly resume business operations.



Choose an MSP software provider who not only accepts but also responds to MSP feedback so that your business can grow with it.

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